The Digital Twin platform

Great software supports a clear business process. In digitalizing your business processes you are building your Digital Twin. Stekz is a hosted platform offering tools and services to create the Digital Twin of your business.

  Welcome to the future of software.

3 stages of building your Digital Twin

1: Discover your processes

Find out which processes your business runs (‘process sourcing’). Stekz offers consultancy, education, process repository tools, and a unique teamgame (Pro6) to identify and manage your business processes. So you can decide which process should be digitalized and optimized.


2: Build software

Stekz has world class tools and experts to help you turn your processes into working software. No no-code promises but powerful tools that empower and unburden software engineers. Independent of which software technologies you prefer. And you are free to let Stekz do this for you.


3: Run your Digital Twin

Stekz makes it easy to run the processes and related software for you. Fully in the cloud or integrated with your existing systems.


Exactly what you need

Fully catered for or using only part of Stekz? We are more than welcome to do it all for you but your are free to cherry pick as you like. Some of the individual tools and services are:


  • Process sourcing/mining 
  • Process design collaboration tools
  • Process repository
  • Process review tool
  • Digital Twin runner
  • Stekz Digital Twin academy
  • Stekz software engineers

The human touch

Software is about humans. We are proud software craftsmen but we realize that successful communication between humans makes for succesful software. That is why we offer a wide range of consultancy services. From coaches helping your team with process sourcing to software professionals helping with building your software. And from specialists integrating the Digital Twin with your existing systems to operators keeping your Digital Twin alive and kicking.

Expertise we offer as a service

Business process design

A good understanding of the domain and processes of a customer is key to the success of a software project. Conversations with our customers are therefore about the processes instead of technologies. In an agile manner we then automate processes step by step. This is the easiest and most effective way to keep customers informed and in control.

Domain Driven Design
We build software to automate processes from your domain. Domain Driven Design (DDD) is a proven approach for making sure the software development stays within a defined scope.

We use the industry standard Business Process Modelling & Notation (BPMN) to design processes that are both clear and executable. Our work in this area is actually world leading.

Archimate & TOGAF
Our software architectures are developed using the TOGAF framework and Archimate architecture modelling language.

Software development

Software is for automating processes. Whether for efficiency reasons or to deliver new business value. We are allround software professionals dedicated to finding the best possible technology for the job. We are solution driven, not technology driven. But some technologies have proven themselves over the years.

With over 20 years of experience in AI we are delighted with the recent applicability of AI to real world problems. AI really is a game changer.

We have been using Python successfully for many projects for over 15 years. To give something back to the community we have been hosting the biggest Dutch Python conference, PyGrunn, for over a decade.

If performance and security are the highest priorities we have come to love Rust. A systems programming language with a bright future.

Operational IT

Stekz professionals are well versed in a very broad range of technologies to find the best possible combination of technologies to keep your processes running as efficiently as possible.

Having built and deployed cloud solutions since 2008 we can confidently say that the cloud is here to stay. But not all clouds are the same. We have experience with all the major cloud offerings (AWS, GKE, Azure).

Kubernetes is the highly successful container orchestration layer for abstracting away the underlying layers. It makes building, deploying and software a lot easier.

Workflow engines
Your product is the result of processes in a certain domain. Those processes are our start-all and end-all of every project. Workflow engines (such as Zeebe) provide insight and control at the process level.

Postgresql is our favourite open source database. We have extensive knowledge in large Postgresql setups and migration scenarios (such as from Oracle to Postgresql).

Our Digital Twinners

Satys is a leading Dutch company in the field of realtime and continuous assessment of customer experience. Our B2B solution has to cater for a diverse set of processes for a wide range of customers. Stekz’ structured 3-step approach from processes to running systems catapulled Satys to the forefront of its market. Both the solution and the company were a perfect fit. Working with the creative and knowledgable Stekz team was a truly pleasant experience. 

Fimme Marra

CEO and co-founder, Satys

In the world of international  liquor trade Moving Spirits sets the tone. Staying ahead of the rest means we have to constantly optimise and automate our business processes. This requires a flexible and powerful trading system tailor-made for our unique business processes. And Stekz delivered. And the focus on our processes instead of their technology made that we always knew what what was going on. No surprises. We now have a modern and world-class trading system that perfectly fits the way we run our business. We are very satisfied with the high quality of the technology and the pleasant cooperation.

Frank Hofstede

CEO, Moving Spirits

About Stekz

Stekz was founded by a team of experienced and ambitious software professionals. Who have been at the forefront of internet technology for over 25 years. As developers, entrepreneurs, researchers and managers. But always as passionate innovators.

The long term goal of Stekz is to democratize the building of information systems. To move the main resonsibility from the hands of technical experts into the hands of the domain experts.

Stekz has offices in Groningen (HQ) and Amsterdam.

Start building your Digital Twin.