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Does YOUR Business REALLY Need AI?

Does YOUR Business REALLY Need AI?

As tech grows and improves exponentially, it’s easy to get swept up in the hype. AI is everywhere—making headlines, fueling innovation, and sparking imaginations about the endless possibilities it can bring. But the question that many business leaders should be asking...

AI in Manufacturing

AI in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry stands on the brink of a technological revolution driven by artificial intelligence (AI). Reportedly, by next year more than 52% of manufacturing firms will implement Artificial Intelligence in their operations, and for good reason. Here’s...

AI and marketing: a match made in heaven

AI and marketing: a match made in heaven

It is no secret that AI has taken the business world by storm over the last couple of years. And it is showing no signs of slowing down, as new tools are being developed daily, while new uses are constantly being discovered for existing technologies. But just how...

AI in Business – 8 Essential Steps

AI in Business – 8 Essential Steps

AI in Business - 8 Essential Steps "Recklessly introducing an AI tool into your company to work smarter is like putting a V8 on your lawnmower to mow your garden faster." The unimaginable possibilities of AI tools inspire many entrepreneurs to think about how they can...

Process mining in Intelligent Automation: an overview

Process mining in Intelligent Automation: an overview

 Intelligent Automation (IA) refers to different applications of Artificial Intelligence and other related technologies to streamline an organization’s processes, improving efficiency and identifying bottlenecks in the process. At the heart of IA’s evolutions lies...

The State of Intelligent Automation

The State of Intelligent Automation

Low-Code/No-Code platformsIn an increasingly digital world, businesses are compelled to adapt and evolve to maintain their competitive edge. The relentless pace of technological innovation has redefined traditional operational models, forcing businesses to rethink how...

The State of AI (CEO’s Vision) 

The State of AI (CEO’s Vision) 

Volumes have been written in recent months on how AI is set to change everything, perhaps even by AI itself. This includes the consequences and the dilemmas that come with it. Interestingly, fear of the unknown often dominates these discussions. Sometimes, this fear...

The BizDevOps advantage

The BizDevOps advantage

In today's fast-paced business environment, the need for speed and agility in software development has become more important than ever. Organizations are looking for ways to streamline their development processes and ensure that software is delivered quickly and...

Composable organizations

Composable organizations

In today's digital age, IT is ubiquitous and businesses are becoming increasingly digital. With this shift, companies are facing a big decision: should they buy or build their IT solutions? This is a complex decision that requires a strategic approach, as the...

ChatGPT as code buddy

ChatGPT as code buddy

Our mission is to make it as easy as possible to go from idea to product, and this is something AI is gonna help us with. So naturally, with the release of ChatGPT, we've been investigating how we could make use of it. In this blogpost I'm focusing on how ChatGPT...